Estate Planning Attorney & Lawyer Birmingham Al
Plan for the future confidently.

Estate Planning
Estate Planning is something everyone should have. We recommend beginning estate planning after you have bought your first house, gotten married, or had another big life change. Then one should update their documents if necessary after they have a child, once their child becomes 19, they have a change in marital status, they buy a piece of property they want to keep in the family, they hit retirement, and other life phases!
How We Work
Our typical estate planning package consists of a Last Will and Testament, a Power of Attorney, and an Advanced Medical Directive. The Will helps determine where your assets will go when you pass away, direct someone to manage your estate when you pass away, can determine a guardian for minor children, and can set up a trust if necessary. The will does not control retirement accounts, investment accounts, and various other assets which have a beneficiary designation. However, we are happy to work with your financial planner to ensure all your assets are going to go where you wish them to go. The Power of Attorney and Medical Directive are documents that will take effect while you are still alive. A power of attorney designates an agent to act on your behalf for as little or as much as you want them to have for your bank accounts, property, etc. A medical directive is very similar but for healthcare. It states your wishes for end of life care, designates someone to speak on your behalf for medical decisions, and lays out your wishes to doctors incase you cannot speak for yourself.